Thursday, February 16, 2012

Diatomaceous Earth

The first time I had heard of it, I could not repeat what Sherry had said, and could certainly not pronounce it. It took me about a month to get it down straight. I sounded it out: Dia-ta-may-shious Earth. (Diatomaceous Earth). Or as we call it here at, Incredible Poultry Powder™.

"What is it" I asked? "Let's meet in the conference room in 20 minutes, and Paul and I will explain it to you". (I need to be aware of all our new products so I can develop a brand for them.) So, Paul, Sherry and I met in the conference room about half hour later. They pulled out a bag of white powder. Confused, and having never heard of it, I asked "What kind of meeting is this?" laughing out loud. They then explained to me the versatility of this Dia-ta-may-shious Earth. Explaining that it is 100% natural and an organic, environmently friendly and safe alternative to chemicals for use with poultry in coops, dusting bins and nesting boxes. It is also used to help prevent a variety of health aliments that afflict poultry including mites, lice and intestinal worms. Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a fine powder composed of the crushed, fossilized exoskeletons of microscopic diatoms, which will not harm children, pets, livestock, poultry, plants or the planet.

I understood the first part of that conversation, however, they lost me at  "fossilized exoskeletons of microscopic diatoms" So, I did some more research and found this definition: Diatoms are microscopic, unicellular algae that produce intricate silica (glass) cell walls that overlap like the top and bottom of a box. When diatoms die, their soft, internal parts deteriorate, leaving their hard, porous, glass skeletons behind. Diatoms are found in aquatic environments, and saltwater diatom skeletons appear in the fossil record as early as the Jurassic period (180 million years ago). In the United States, numerous deposits of diatom skeletons are found on the floors of former aquatic inland and coastal habitats. Important commercially, diatomite is used in a variety of ways. Here's a close up view of the wonder dust that is (Diatomaceous Earth) (source:

Our diatomaceous earth is an organic, non-treated, non-calcined, fresh water Diatomaceous Earth. It is mined, crushed, sifted, bagged and pure white in color. It contains less than .5% silicon. There are diatomaceous earth products that are yellow or tan in color which indicates a higher iron content. Those which are gray in color contain more clay.

So, with that information, we find out from our supplier that DE is great for:

• Natural desiccant. By drying up manure faster, it controls flies, as
           well as keeping coops cleaner and drier.
• Deodorization and absorption are natural functions of IPP. The benefits will continue as
           undigested IPP passes through and settles on cage or coop floors.
• Contains 15 trace minerals including calcium, potassium, copper, zinc, phosphorous, silica,
           and selenium.
• IPP is USDA approved as an anti-caking agent for animal feed.
• Mixing IPP with daily feed increases feathering, egg production and shell hardness.
• Diatomaceous Earth can be used as an organic pesticide

So, with finding out all the benefits of this wonderful, organic powder, we decided to take a taste. Diatomaceous Earth is such a fine powder, it looks like liquid in the bag, and I really wanted to touch it. Taking our sample packs, we all dip our fingers in it, and look at each other with hesitation. Sherry goes first. "It's fine, just do it!" So, Paul and I do too. It doesn't taste like anything. Not even chalk, which I have never tasted but always think it would taste like Tums. "It's not bad!" Says Paul with a look of satisfaction. We're sold. We purchase it from the supplier and I get started on the identity of this new product. Since we have a great line of "Incredible" products and many brainstorming parties, it is decided to run with "Incredible Poultry Powder™".  And it truly is incredible.

I took a sample pack home and used it on Andrew Fluffypants. (He's my Lion Head bunny, who seems to have a male pattern baldness, he barely has a mane) He didn't mind being rubbed down with it at all, and it seemed to perk up his fluffiness. I also clean out his bunny house, by sprinkling some under his cedar shavings, which in all honesty has completely helped with the bunny smell. They are cute little woodland creatures, however, they do get smelly.

Sherry takes some everyday, and is convinced it shields her from all the winter colds and infectious, contagious people in our office. In fact, my stomach hurt the other day from who knows what, (probably the stomach virus running rampid around town that my children had last week) so I took some, and my stomach felt fine after that... It is such a great product!

—WT, Creative Department

Have a spectacular day!

You can purchase your own Incredible Poultry Powder™ by clicking here:

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